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Blogger Recognition Award

I am so delighted to receive BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD from an established fellow blogger Helen of Mostly Woman. I would like to thank Helen for selecting me and my travel blog. This is my first award on blogging. I am very much excited for having this opportunity, because this award connects myself with fellow bloggers.  Sitting at one place and connecting with people across the world who are sharing varied interests/subjects is very informative & learning process.blogaward

I was having my afternoon tea and I was scrolling my mobile as usual but suddenly after reading something on my notifications, my mobile slipped from my hands as I was over excited by reading that my blog has been selected for this award.  Thank God mobile didn’t break, but my happiness level rose till heights as I could not believe on my eyes that I am reading this my blog has been nominated among-st 15 best blogs.

My selection for Bloggers Recognition Award by Helen on MOSTLY WOMAN is here. 


As a part of nomination I have to follow certain norms and answer some interview questionnaire. Please read it while have a cuppa of tea and biting your favorite snacks………………


  • 1)Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog on your blog post.
  • 2)Write a post to show your award.
  • 3)Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • 4)Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • 5)Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  • 6)Comment on each 15 blogs and let them know you have nominated and provide the link to the post you created.


At present I am a travel blogger. The story behind writing blogs is very interesting and sudden instigated from one incident. As I love travelling a lot I go for vacations and have plans for future vacations also. So my friends come to me for my advice on where they should plan and how to go and what to do on vacations on some specific location? One day a good friend of mine advised me that “Why don’t you write a book on travelling and put all your golden advice with photographs of your vacations?”  This question was just funny conversation but that idea got struck into my mind and I started thinking on it seriously. So I created my blog account and written only 1 post on one of my vacation spot. Comments and likes started flowing up and I got addicted to BLOGGING.  I then registered my domain name and started writing my travel blog.


  1. Write something about your hobbies, passion or something that comes in your dream.  While writing you will come to the beautiful journey of expressing your passion to words which the whole world will come to know your inner-self.
  2. Connect and Respect fellow bloggers. If you want to increase traffic to your blogs then read and share blogs from your fellow bloggers. Comment on other blogs positively. Supporting others will always attract your blog to be featured. It is a game of Mutual give and take. 

MY NOMINESS                    

blogaward1Now it is my turn to recognize the other 15 amazing bloggers from different fields.  I really found your blog posts very useful in having a positive impact on readers. So the RECOGNITION AWARD goes to ………………………………… 

Names are not in specific order.  A big Cheers to all 15 for next Blogger Recognition Award.  

  1. Jerny from The Jerny
  2. Natasha from Meldrums on the move
  3. Dev n Keb from The Travel Adventurer
  4. Brett from Wine and Misadventures
  5. Pam from Joyful Source
  6. Shashi from Scribbles n Pebbles
  7. Gokul Raj from Plan Save Travel
  8. Amy from Amy Victoria Baldwin
  9. Lara from Lost Lara
  10. Jenifer from Miss Jhenz
  11. Nicole from The Glam Surge
  12. Abi  from A Thread of Style
  13. Alicia from Homes and Hammers
  14. Pily from The Life Style Hunter
  15. Kylie from Confidently Kylie


Congratulations to all!       KEEP BLOGGING, KEEP SHARING & SPREAD LOVE…………..


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